Cajon to Acton
/From coolest and wettest to hottest and driest. That sums up this section for us. We started in the mist and rain just past Cajon pass and climbed 6500+ feet to Mt. Baden-Powell (9406'). Susan met us at Guffy campground, over 8000 feet and it was howling wind. Thanks to her and the ride she provided we decided to get a room in Wrightwood. Also real food. Which is always great. Also thanks to her, we were able to hike with Kona the next day to Vincent Gap. Kona's hips are bugging her but if it's cool enough she still loves to hike. She doesn't get much chance to hike with us so it's fun when we can take her.
Kona the Wanderbeast resting.
Despite the previous day's big climb it was a relatively mild grade, just constant. So we felt pretty good the next day. A bit shorter day to set us up for Mt. Baden-Powell the next day.
The required summit shot on Mt. Baden-Powell.
It was a gorgeous day. Perfect hiking weather. Here's a Photsynth taken at the summit. One thing that's cool to see is that we get these environmental transitions with elevation and exposure (north/south/east/west facing slopes). So while we've gone through flower blooming zones south of here, we're seeing them again as we get more elevation.
The Yucca blooming have been fantastic.
We camped at Cilao campground and had more good food with Susan and Kona.
Kona is helping Susan pack up her sleeping bag.
Well, mid-day the next day the heat started getting serious. Heading to Acton when Acton is 111 degrees. We split the day by getting up at 3:30, hiking by 4:30 and planning to take a break in the shade mid-day.
The sun, our nemesis now, rises.
Our plan was good but it was shockingly hot by 9:00 am. I think we stopped in the last shade before a burn area at 11:30 and it's really incredible how inefficient my body gets when it's overheated. Just a shuffling pace to move forward. Maddie is much less bothered by the heat. All that training in Florida I guess. I've spent most of my adult life in the northern quarter of the planet, above 45 degrees latitude so I'm not adapted to these extreme temps. We spent a few boring hours sweating, waiting, and moving with the shade. Our plan to nap was somewhat foiled though we did get some Zzz's in.
Making ourselves comfortable directly on the trail.
We made it to the North Fork ranger station in the dark, by headlamp. Coming down the cliffside trail in the dark wasn't the most fun I've had hiking. If you've ever skied or snowboarded at night, with the flat light, you can understand that depth perception is a bit off in those conditions. But we had water at camp and slept well. We made Acton KOA by mid-morning and the sun was making the water in our outside pockets the perfect temperature for sun tea. Acton KOA had a lovely pool, showers, and a store with cold drinks. Ahhh.
I was a little upset coming in. I thought I wouldn't have such trouble with the heat - or night hiking would be a more pleasant option. The temperature at night is fine. But the experience isn't too great. It takes a lot of concentration and we are slow. So, sadly we are making the decision to jump forward to Kennedy Meadows at the start of the Sierra. Hopefully that will help our overall schedule on the trail and we'll be able to return to these unfinished sections in the fall. But, it's sort of grating to do this. Now for a zero, some rest, planning and Sierra prep in Palmdale.